Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Is Nashville Moving In The Right Direction?

The Tennessean recently posted a question on Facebook: Do you think Nashville is headed in the right direction? It was linked to an article headlined When Megan Barry has success, Nashville has success.

The latter is a nonsense statement and of course I agree with it. Megan Barry is the mayor, and naturally if she is successful, Nashville will be successful. But what is success? That takes me back to the first question. Is Nashville headed in the right direction?

Not being shy, I waded into the conversation and said that if she succeeds in doing the things she campaigned on, then no, we are not headed in the right direction. As expected, the blow-back from low-information liberals who frequent that page was immediate.

It always amazes me how liberals are so willing to jump into a discussion without doing any research or having any facts. I was asked why I was a Sad Sam? Why was I so negative? I decided to go for the low-hanging fruit and a topic I spent endless hours researching during the campaign.

I went for the minimum wage.

It has become trendy for "progressive" cities to raise their minimum wage, so they are more "fair" and a high school dropout can somehow support a family of four while working at Burger King. There is also a consistent record of job loss and business cessation. For example, Seattle lost 1,000 restaurant jobs in the first month after raising their minimum wage to $11/hr. (on the way to $15/hr.). Barry wants to raise Nashville's minimum wage to $15/hr.

I explained this to my adversary and provided some links. This is where liberals usually reply with crickets. But she claimed Nashville is somehow different than other cities and that's not going to happen here.

At this point I should have realized I was dealing with an advanced form of stupidity and should stop wasting my time. But nooooo, that's not what I did.

I inquired as to what made Nashville different than anyplace else? Well, we're the "It City" and our businesses would not do that. She then went into an extended rant about how her family has been in Tennessee for 500 generations and so she truly cares about Nashville. I guess if one chooses to live in Nashville, that person (me) cannot love Nashville.


Why in the hell did she think I chose to live here? I did not come here because of a job. Or school. Or family. We could have lived anywhere in the country. Really, anywhere on the planet. Other cities were considered. Tennessee and Nashville was easily the choice.

I told her that length of residency in Tennessee has no affect on the dynamics of business. I then aborted the conversation because one cannot fix stupid.

So now we wait and see how events play out. I will give Barry props for not evicting the homeless from their camp at Fort Negley, as her idol Karl Dean was about to do. She's letting them stay until spring while the politicians try to figure out what to do with them.

I am not a blind cheerleader. Nashville's future is uncertain. I hope for the best. As far as the new mayor is concerned, I am a skeptic.

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