Sunday, August 13, 2017

Hate Trump, Hate Trump, Hate Trump

The verbal pollution spewing forth from the left has the absurd meter pegging in the red. All they can talk about now is what President Trump didn't say Saturday. Concerning Charlottesville, Trump said, "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides."

That pretty much handles it, but the left is bent out of shape because Trump didn't call out white supremacists by name.


I'm still waiting for Barrack Obama to say 'Radical Islamic Terrorists.'

Yes, Trump could have condemned white supremacists specifically, but the truth is no matter what Trump says or does, the crybabies would still whine. All of their blubber covers up the fact that Trump is actually doing a pretty good job. Which is their intention.

The story is a bunch of thugs and criminals violently rioting. In a small town where law enforcement has zero experience handling such situations. The hand-to-hand combat in the streets was beyond vicious. People died there. But all the left can think about are specific words Trump didn't use Saturday. What the President actually said covered it all, but it doesn't matter what he says.

Hate Trump, Hate Trump, Hate Trump.

Then there is that little round child-dictator in North Korea. He has been testing nukes and missiles for some time now. He is threatening Guam. But finally, we have a President who has a pair. Trump doesn't take any crap from anybody, especially from some second-world tin-pot dictator. Trump is talking tough about Kim Jong-un and is not backing down. In fact, he is doubling down.

This has put the left in complete cardiac arrest. OMG - he's going to start a war!

Well hopefully not, and Trump doesn't want to. But 30 years of coddling North Korea by Democrats and Republicans has resulted in zero progress. Except the Democrats gave them nuclear capability. (Hello, Iran)

It is time for the buck to stop, and it's stopping on Donald Trump's desk. It's time to put up or shut up for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. China holds to key to keeping Kim Jong-un from making a huge mistake. Otherwise he is a dead man.

That's my opinion.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Karl Rove is Wrong. Again...

This may be the most important part of your day. OK, maybe not.

And now to politics…

That blowhard Karl Rove is going around saying he agrees with Mitch McConnell in his bickering with President Trump. Rove thinks repeal and replacement of Obamacare is complicated and takes time. Apparently a lot of time. Of course Rove, despite living in Texas, is the prototypical Washington insider. Which means he is part of the problem.

On the other hand, Trump says they had seven years to come up with repeal and replace, and it should have been on his desk ready to sign on day one. Of course Trump is right. McConnell is making the Republicans look like a bunch of clueless asses.

The Democrat Party is in a death spiral and digging themselves deeper every day. The party is in complete disarray. Republican voters are mostly in line, but congress, where the GOP holds both majorities, is a train wreck.

The Democrat Party has become a statist party. Congressional Democrats will almost always do what Chuckie Schumer and Stretch Pelosi tells them to do. Republicans, not so much.

Republicans tend to think for themselves. They use logic, reason and common sense to form their opinions. And they don’t always agree with each other. That is where leadership comes in, and the Senate has none. Mitch McConnell loves being a career politician and being in the middle of all the attention. But he is no leader. If Senate Republicans don’t toss McConnell soon, the 2018 elections look bleak and they’ll hand Democrats a get out of jail free card.

And that is not acceptable.

I’m Paul Jensen, and that’s my opinion.Hello, and welcome. This is something new. A podcast of my flippant and rambling thoughts.

That's my opinion...

My brief history with Charlottesville

It’s sad to see all the hate in Charlottesville. The radio business took me there many years ago. What a beautiful town!

The manager of a radio station there wanted to fire his chief engineer and hire me. I had to lie my way past the receptionist so nobody knew why I was there. There was also an assistant engineer. Such nice people there! I would also be responsible for engineering the radio broadcasts for the U. of Virginia sports. The basketball team that year opened the season at the Great Alaska Shootout, so hell yeah I was interested.

Everything went very well, and the job was mine if I wanted it. Except for one little detail. The manager was not authorized to fire their engineer, and the answer from above was NO. Oh well.

Anyway, they’re sometimes showing a parking deck on TV today. The radio station was located on the ground level of that structure.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Why do Democrats always act like babies?

Republicans gained a huge victory today in the Senate. With the help of Vice-President Pence, the Senate voted to put the Republican healthcare bill onto the floor for debate. A huge victory for Republicans, President Trump and America.

So as I write this, Democrat Senators are on the Capital steps hooting and hollering and screaming. whining and crying because they lost the vote. They were screaming about stopping the Republican healthcare bill. as if their piece of crap Obamacare is worth anything,

Umm..... in order to get your way, you have to win elections, which Democrats are finding difficult to do. And they can't figure out why they're losers.

Democrats always become crybabies when they don't get their way. Bush beat Gore. Trump beat Hillary. Willie was impeached, and the Republican healthcare bill is now being debated on the Senate floor. Now grow the hell up and act like adults.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Intelligence Challenged

Memo to intelligence challenged Tim Kaine: Treason is releasing POW's so they can return to the battlefield to kill more Americans and our allies. Being a Drama Queen makes you look (more) stupid...

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Obama's broken campaign promises

Democrats and RHINO'S are delighting in Donald Trump not fulfilling his campaign promises in 100 days. Never mind his term is 1,461 days long. Or that Trump is not a politician, which is what most Americans wanted. He didn't do it in 100 days so dammit, he is a total failure.

Tom Perez, the DNC Head Thug, has taken to profanity to describe Trump's initial mini-budget. Umm..... Barrack Obama was 98 days late with his first budget. Three of his first four budgets were late. The deadline is determined by The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921.

I thought it would be fun to revisit some of media darling Obama's 2008 campaign promises. And remember, Obama was an experienced politician...
  • Candidate Obama promised that he would not be swayed by the influence of special interests and Super PACs. But when it was re-election time in 2012, Obama embraced special interests and SuperPacs.
  • Candidate Obama promised to close GITMO within one year. Despite Democrat control of both houses of congress, that did not happen. GITMO is still open today.
  • Candidate Obama promised to undue George W. Busch's tax cuts. But he extended the tax cuts so he could extend unemployment benefits, because he could not get people back to work.
  • Candidate Obama promised to set a cap on carbon emissions to combat alleged "global warming." Obama walked away from cap-and-trade when it failed to pass in the Democrat-controlled congress.
  • Candidate Obama promised no new taxes for families making under $250,000. 16 days into his presidency, Obama raised the tax on cigarettes, thereby raising taxes on every smoker making less than $250,000 a year.
  • Candidate Obama promised to return man to the moon by 2020, then to Mars. The space shuttle program was shut down in 2011, and plans are still not in place to return to the moon or go to Mars.
  • Candidate Obama promised that all employees would get seven federally guaranteed sick days a year. In Obama's first year. The Healthy Families Act was stalled in committee. Again, Democrats controlled both houses of congress.
  • Candidate Obama promised to introduce a comprehensive immigration plan by the end of his first year in office. Despite being a "top priority," Obama introduced no such bill in that year.
  • Candidate Obama promised to post every bill online for five days before he signed it. That never happened. In fact, Obamacare had to be passed before we could know what was in the bill.
Trust me. There are many, many more. So the next time some whiny liberal talks to you about President Trump's "broken" campaign promises, learn that person a little history.

That's my opinion...

Monday, April 24, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017

I Told You So: Big Corporate Radio Is Broke

I have been saying for years that my former industry is committing suicide. Five companies own 80% of the commercial radio stations in this country. They are all programmed by a small group of consultants and they nearly all suck.

This company's debt began back in the 90's when the government erased ownership limits. They WAY overpaid for stations as they built their empire. At the time, stations were generally worth 2.5 times their trailing cash flow, which was the total gross revenue for the previous 12 months. If a station had a trailing cash flow of $2 million, it was worth no more than $5 million.

This and some other companies paid WAY more than this. I remember sitting around with a bunch of radio friends in Florida, including a station owner, wondering how in the world do these companies plan on making money? In a steady market, they couldn't. Then thanks to the coming digital age and the Internet, the radio advertising pie began to shrink.

Things starting getting tight. I began thinking about what life would be like after radio. Then this and other companies started WAY overspending, including over-paying marginal talent. (yes, I'm talking about you WSIX) So they went more in debt.

I'd love to talk about the stupidity of bringing in an over-hyped country radio "personality" to take over for a retiring radio legend. You brought in a guy from Austin and hyped the hell out of it. Umm..... if you knew anything about Nashville, Big Corporate Radio, you would have never mentioned this guy came here from Austin. You see, Nashville doesn't like Austin. Austin presents a threat to Nashville. A major threat, You turned off half the market before the guy even got here.

Now, several years later, look at your ratings, WSIX. YOU SUCK. You're a middle of the pack station that is getting killed by other stations. That's how a company gets to be $20 billion in debt.

I told you so...