The verbal pollution spewing forth from the left has the absurd meter pegging in the red. All they can talk about now is what President Trump didn't say Saturday. Concerning Charlottesville, Trump said, "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides."
That pretty much handles it, but the left is bent out of shape because Trump didn't call out white supremacists by name.
I'm still waiting for Barrack Obama to say 'Radical Islamic Terrorists.'
Yes, Trump could have condemned white supremacists specifically, but the truth is no matter what Trump says or does, the crybabies would still whine. All of their blubber covers up the fact that Trump is actually doing a pretty good job. Which is their intention.
The story is a bunch of thugs and criminals violently rioting. In a small town where law enforcement has zero experience handling such situations. The hand-to-hand combat in the streets was beyond vicious. People died there. But all the left can think about are specific words Trump didn't use Saturday. What the President actually said covered it all, but it doesn't matter what he says.
Hate Trump, Hate Trump, Hate Trump.
Then there is that little round child-dictator in North Korea. He has been testing nukes and missiles for some time now. He is threatening Guam. But finally, we have a President who has a pair. Trump doesn't take any crap from anybody, especially from some second-world tin-pot dictator. Trump is talking tough about Kim Jong-un and is not backing down. In fact, he is doubling down.
This has put the left in complete cardiac arrest. OMG - he's going to start a war!
Well hopefully not, and Trump doesn't want to. But 30 years of coddling North Korea by Democrats and Republicans has resulted in zero progress. Except the Democrats gave them nuclear capability. (Hello, Iran)
It is time for the buck to stop, and it's stopping on Donald Trump's desk. It's time to put up or shut up for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. China holds to key to keeping Kim Jong-un from making a huge mistake. Otherwise he is a dead man.
That's my opinion.
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