Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Why do Democrats always act like babies?

Republicans gained a huge victory today in the Senate. With the help of Vice-President Pence, the Senate voted to put the Republican healthcare bill onto the floor for debate. A huge victory for Republicans, President Trump and America.

So as I write this, Democrat Senators are on the Capital steps hooting and hollering and screaming. whining and crying because they lost the vote. They were screaming about stopping the Republican healthcare bill. as if their piece of crap Obamacare is worth anything,

Umm..... in order to get your way, you have to win elections, which Democrats are finding difficult to do. And they can't figure out why they're losers.

Democrats always become crybabies when they don't get their way. Bush beat Gore. Trump beat Hillary. Willie was impeached, and the Republican healthcare bill is now being debated on the Senate floor. Now grow the hell up and act like adults.

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