Barrack Hussein Obama is concerned about the government being shut down. Why? He holds the keys for shutting down the government, or not. Make no mistake, as things stand now, if the government shuts down, it is because Obama chose to shut it down.
The congress passed a budget and gave it to the President. It is now up to Obama to decide whether or not the government shuts down. Obama whines because congress removed funding for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood's annual expenses are considerably less than the taxpayer subsidy. They don't need the money. They squander it on lavish parties and private jets.
As for women's health, it's difficult for me to consider an organization that does not perform mammograms to be a women's health center. I have lost several friends to breast cancer. Unfortunately, you probably have too. Planned Parenthood has millions to spend on travel and parties, yet they cannot perform the most important test there is for women's health.
There are two things you cannot tell me:
- Planned Parenthood is vital to women's health
- They should be given taxpayer money
Barry thinks since he is President, he should always get his way. That is called a dictatorship, and that is how he rules. Obama rules when he is supposed to govern.
Up to now, he pretty much has gotten his way. Why? Because the establishment Republicans in congress, like No-Lips McConnell, have given it to him. But guess what? Elections have consequences, and the Republicans won in 2014. And the establishment Republicans are slowly losing power within the party, so we can have two, separate and distinguishable parties, instead of one party with two branches.
As much as he would like to be, Obama is not a dictator. He does not have more power than congress. The Administrative, Legislative and Judicial branches are co-equal branches of government. Obama has whined about this many times. Well he wanted the job. If the government shuts down, it will be because Barrack Hussein Obama chose to do so.
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