Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Email sent to all Metro Councilmen re: Street Vendors

As you consider the ordinance regarding the street vendors, please make sure you have facts to work from. I do not know the answer to this question, but you certainly should.

How many accident reports involving street vendors does Metro Police have for the past 5 years? Injuries? Deaths? Property damage? I have heard Councilman Glover on several media outlets discussing this ordinance, and not once did I hear him cite any statistics.

I presume you understand the consequences of this ordinance. Several hundred homeless people, who are working every day in all kinds of weather, would lose what is probably the only source of income they have. Several have been able to pull themselves out of homelessness and get an apartment. They have hope. Councilman Glover wishes to destroy any hope they have. I wrote Mr. Glover several days ago and he has chosen not to respond.

There are also several fundraisers held each year by collecting donations on street corners. This money goes to charities that help to make our community a better place. This type of commerce is common in major cities and small towns across America.

I hope you will consider these thoughts I have shared with you, and thank you for your service to this great community. 


Paul Jensen
District 4


Bob Mendes (At Large):
  • "I  agree.  I think more regulation on the vendors is not needed.  I think the Council will likely pass it on 1st (of 3) reading so that it can go to Committee -- nearly everything at least goes to a committee meeting.  I believe it will do poorly in Committee and be defeated by the Council.  I will work against it."
Sharon Hurt (At Large)
  • "Thank you for  your outreach to me and I will consider your letter when I make my decision."
Brett Withers (District 6):
  • "Thank you for your comments.  I support The Contributor and the men and women who work hard every day selling newspapers for a living."
Larry Hagar (District 11):
  • "I have had no negative encounters with these vendors nor complaints from residents. I do not plan to vote for this bill."
Mina Johnson (District 23)
  • "Thank you for your feedback. I believe in providing tools to help people who had to live on the street to pick themselves up rather than make it difficult for them. We will find a common sense solution."

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