Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Titans, Vandy met my minimum expectations

Let's face it. The past few years have been train wrecks for the Tennessee Titans and Vanderbilt football teams. 2016 had to be better.

The Titans won a grand total of five games over the past two seasons. But new for 2016 was an owner who cares about the team, a new general manager, a new permanent coach and some new talent. Before the season started, I had a minimum expectation of a non-losing season, which the Titans have achieved. I thought the playoffs would be a good thing to shoot for. Their playoff hopes went up in smoke Sunday, along with Marcus Mariota's leg.

Vandy's goal: Get to a bowl game. Mission accomplished. They lost their bowl game and finished with a losing record, but the 'Dores made some strong advancement this year.

Next year, the expectations rise for both the Titans and Vanderbilt.

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