They need to go back to 2008. No Obama, no Obamacare. Polls at the time showed that 80% of Americans were happy with the way things were. The problems were people who could not afford healthcare or insurance, and those with pre-existing conditions who could not get insurance or the premium was in the stratosphere.
Leave the 80% alone. I was in that group and happy with the way it was. Just address the problems and leave everyone else alone. Don't force a statist system on everyone, lie about it, and hurt way more people than are helped.
Obamacare is a house of cards. Pull one card out and the entire house falls down. Many cards have been pulled out of Obamacare. Millions of people never signed up, pulling the funding card out. Insurance companies were forced to accept pre-existing conditions, which involves patients with the highest healthcare costs. Any fifth grader could tell you that is a formula for destroying insurance companies. That was probably Obama's intention. So now insurance companies are dropping out of Obamacare in great numbers. The competition card has been removed. Less competition equals higher prices. So out goes the affordable card.
Reimbursements to providers, including social security payments, have been greatly reduced. Many doctors are working harder than ever to make a living. I have received emails from my doctor as late as 9:30 pm. I wrote back and told him to go to bed. Other doctors just said to hell with it and retired. Some got salaried jobs in emergency rooms and elsewhere. Out goes the keep your doctor card.
Millions of Americans were told if they like their plan, they could keep it. But then came mandates that included stupid things like mandating maternity coverage for 70 year-olds. Nobody's existing plans included the moronic requirements of Obamacare. So much for the keep your plan card.
When I first heard some Republicans suggest to just let Obamacare die, I thought that was crazy. The Democrats would own it when millions lose their healthcare, they said. Expensive insurance with astronomical deductions is essentially a catastrophic policy, no good for most healthcare situations.
So the more I have thought about it, maybe letting Obamacare continue to die isn't a bad idea. Let the healthcare crisis continue to get worse. It's the Democrats plan. They are obstructing Trump and the Republicans. I am not convinced the Ryan plan is the best way to go. When that fails, the Republicans are toast.
It is going to take a lot of tax money to solve the two true issues. The poor can be covered with Medicaid. The government will need to take care of those with pre-existing conditions. That will be very expensive, but it would save the insurance industry for the 80% who were happy the way it was, and will not destroy the economy as Obamacare has done.
With the President carving out the B.S. in the federal budget, I think the greatest country in the history of the world can handle this.
That's my opinion...
It is going to take a lot of tax money to solve the two true issues. The poor can be covered with Medicaid. The government will need to take care of those with pre-existing conditions. That will be very expensive, but it would save the insurance industry for the 80% who were happy the way it was, and will not destroy the economy as Obamacare has done.
With the President carving out the B.S. in the federal budget, I think the greatest country in the history of the world can handle this.
That's my opinion...
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