Wednesday, November 30, 2016

My favorite news sources

During the recent election season, it was interesting to see the various news sources people use to get their information. As a long-time news and political junkie, it amazes me how many people use just one source. Be it NBC, NPR, the BBC or whatever, these folks are, in my humble opinion, getting a limited perspective of the truth. With today's dishonest media, everyone has a bias.

It wasn't always that way. CBS, BBC and other networks provided stellar coverage of World War II (The Big One). That straight-forward coverage continued for the next several decades. For example, Walter Cronkite reported the news in a clean, straight-forward, mostly unbiased manner. When he retired, CBS News went to hell. It wasn't until after Uncle Walter retired that most people learned that he was very liberal.


I was in college when Cronkite retired, and recall no such bias. Certainly not like today. Cronkite was very opposed to the Vietnam War, but that was undetectable as he reported on the war every evening. He told us how many were killed and wounded that day. A very grim time.

I use a variety of sources to gather my information. You must be aware of the biases of each source, and don't be afraid to check sources that are opposite of your positions. Your list will be different, but here is mine, keeping in mind that it is always changing:
  • Fox Business
  • Fox News
  • CNN
  • The Drudge Report
  • Hot Air
  • The Daily Caller
  • Redstate (of course)
  • Town Hall
  • Politico
  • The Hill
  • The Weekly Standard
  • Real Clear Politics
  • Daily Mail
  • Independent Sentinel
  • The New York Times
  • The New York Post
  • The Washington Post
  • The Washington Examiner
  • Washington Free Beacon
  • The Washington Times
  • USA Today
  • C-Span
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Mark Levin
  • Mark Steyn
  • Local TV
  • Associated Press
  • Reuters
I check many of these daily, some every other day or so, but each one at least weekly. There are other sources I check from time to time.

In this day and age, you cannot depend on one or two sources for your news. If you do, then there's a good chance you were fed some questionable "news" and deprived of some useful information. You do not need as many sources as I use, but use several, and make sure they are not all of the same bias. Get all sides, then draw your own conclusions.

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