Channel 17's Jen French has left for greener pastures in Albuquerque NM. Best wishes to her...
Channel 4 to 23-year veteran Dennis Ferrier: Get the hell out...
Channel 4 to Nancy Van Camp (22 years): Ditto...
Ferrier was tossed immediately after returning from his father's funeral. Broadcasting is a tough business. Trust me, I get it. But WSMV is obviously having some serious financial issues. Van Camp was replaced with an obviously cheaper replacement. When I worked in broadcasting, I referred to this as the 50/50 rule. No matter how good you are, if they find someone half your age willing to work for half of your salary, you are history...
Rudy Kalis shared his thoughts on this cowardice via social media...
Rudy Kalis shared his thoughts on this cowardice via social media...
They probably spent six figures (at least) to erect a free-standing tower with a radar ball on top of it. Head south towards Nolensville and you'll see it in Williamson County. They could have just as well taken that money and thrown it in the street in front of the station and gotten the same result...
As I commented earlier, if that money pit made any difference, then when Channel 4 shows their radar superimposed with the National Weather Bureau radars everyone else uses, the blobs should jump forward whenever the Williamson radar passes, then jump back when the next government radar passes. That doesn't happen...
If you're Joe Nashville sitting at home watching this, you probably don't understand the significance of "middle Tennessee's only live radar." That's because there isn't any. They piss away all that money, then subject a 22-year meteorologist to the 50/50 rule. And Ferrier was one of the best they had...
Channels 4 and 5 are like the U.S. and the Soviet Union back in the day. The Soviet Union eventually fell apart after spending themselves into oblivion trying to keep up with the U.S. Channel 4 is the Soviet Union. They are a sinking ship...
I stopped watching Channel 4's news, and discovered Channel 2 does a helluva good job. Without all the expensive gimmicks...
Channel 2's new chief meteorologist, Danielle Breezy, who came here from Boston, is doing a great job. Welcome to Music City! It's always tough following a legend...
For example, that whiny over-hyped morning guy on WSIX-FM...
Big lib Bill Freeman is hosting a Hillary Clinton fundraiser tomorrow. They expect to raise $1 million. Tim Kaine will be in town for the event. Freeman has already raised untold millions for Hillary...
Hillary tried to throw Colin Powell under the bus, but Powell is having nothing of it...
Clinton and Obama: it's always somebody else's fault...
Donald Trump will bring millions of new voters to the polls in November. People who have never voted before, or haven't voted in a long time. Are those folks represented in the gazillion polls that are out there? I ask because I have a funny feeling they are not...
OMG! A black female Republican Vanderbilt professor was on Fox News over the weekend. Didn't know such a person existed...
Why do people try to swim across the Cumberland River? There is a high probability for a very bad outcome...
Greener pastures in Albuquerque NM? More like dry, sandy fields.