Democrats always seem to get unhinged whenever someone calls Barrack Hussein Obama a Muslim. What I don't understand is why?
I don't know what's in the man's heart, and neither do you. Nor does anyone else except Obama and God. It's well above my pay grade to pass judgement on Obama's faith. That's God's job, and the last time I checked he hadn't put up a "Help Wanted" sign.
When Obama first took office, I didn't care what his religious beliefs were so long as he did a good job. Of course being a good president is well beyond Obama's capabilities. Not only is Obama the worst president for the past 100 years, he may be the worst president ever, and he may be the most corrupt president ever.
Since the world is plunging into war based on religion, Obama's faith has become quite relevant.
As I said, none of us knows what is in his heart. All I have to go by is what the man says and what he does. Having watched him closely since he became a presidential candidate, the only conclusion I can make is that he a Muslim. Now I don't KNOW if he is a Muslim, but I believe he is. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, chances are pretty good it's a duck.
If any lefty wants to challenge me on that, he or she will need to explain to me how they know what is in Obama's heart. Of course they can't honestly answer that, because they don't know.
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